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Friday, October 22, 2004

Yahoo! News - Al-Jazeera Airs Tape of Weeping Aid Worker

Al-Jazeera Airs Tape of Weeping Aid Worker

16 minutes ago Middle East - AP

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Al-Jazeera television aired a video Friday showing kidnapped CARE director Margaret Hassan weeping and pleading with the British people to act to save her life. Meanwhile, a car bomb exploded Friday near an American armored vehicle in the northern Iraq (news - web sites) city of Mosul, wounding five U.S. soldiers, the military said.

"Please, please I beg of you, the British people, to help me," Hassan pleaded. "I dont want to die like Bigley," referring to British hostage Kenneth Bigley who was decapitated on a video posted this month on an Islamist Web site.

"Please help me," she begged. "This might be my last hour."

Yahoo! News - Al-Jazeera Airs Tape of Weeping Aid Worker

This woman is being TERRORIZED....We all need to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH..
Free this inncocent.....

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