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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Iraq War News
Terrorist Mortar Kills 2 in Baghdad: "

From Reuters via the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) :

Insurgents fired two mortar rounds in central Baghdad today, killing
two civilians and wounding one, witnesses said.

A telephone worker said he had taken all three casualties to hospital in his car after one mortar bomb hit the Karrada commercial district.

A donkey was also killed.

Witnesses said the other mortar round appeared to land in the fortified Green Zone, which houses Iraqi government offices and the US and British embassies.

There were no reports of casualties or damage in that blast.


In Command Post: Irak

Gunmen ambush Turkish convoy in Iraq; two killed: "MOSUL, Iraq (AP) - Gunmen opened fire on a convoy of Turkish trucks in Mosul on Saturday, killing two Turkish drivers and wounding two others, hospital and police officials said."

In Fresno Bee: Iraq

Kidnapped CARE director pleads for help: "BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Trembling, haggard and weeping into a tissue, Margaret Hassan, the kidnapped British aid worker who has spent nearly half her life delivering food and medicine in Iraq, begged Britain on Friday to help save her by withdrawing its troops, saying these "might be my last hours.""

In Fresno Bee: Iraq

Car bombing kills 10 Iraqi policemen: "A car bomb exploded at a police station Saturday near a base in western Iraq used by U.S. Marines, killing 10 Iraqi policemen and wounding 48 other people, officials said."

In Kansas City Star: Iraq

The Baghdad Blogger goes to Washington: day one (22 Oct 04) in Radio Free USA

US facing 20,000 insurgents in Iraq (23 Oct 04) in Radio Free USA

Suicide Bombers Kill 14 Iraqis in Surge of Violence: "Suicide bombers killed 14 members ofIraq's fledgling security forces near a U.S. marine base westof Baghdad and at a checkpoint to the north on Saturday amid aspate of insurgent attacks across the country. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

A Diamond in the Rough: Iraqis Taking Up Baseball (Los Angeles Times): "Los Angeles Times - BAGHDAD â?? Yasser Abdel Hussein tugs his cap and unwinds with the smooth sidearm delivery that's made him the ace of the pitching staff. He looks like a prospect."

In Yahoo! News: Iraq

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