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Thursday, October 28, 2004

European and Pacific Stars & Stripes

Education center at LSA Anaconda opens the door to a better future

By Juliana Gittler, Stars and Stripes
European edition, Wednesday, October 27, 2004

LSA ANACONDA, Iraq — Soldiers wanting to advance their career, change jobs, become an officer or knock out some college courses during their down time in Iraq now have a few classrooms to try to reach those goals at LSA Anaconda.

“They’re basically in a holding pattern while they’re deployed,” said LSA Anaconda and 13th Corps Support Command, Command Sgt. Maj. Dan Elder. “They want to be promoted, they want to be warrant officers. They want to further their career. Education isn’t necessarily part of the deployment package [so] we had to carve out something.”

European and Pacific Stars & Stripes

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