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Friday, August 27, 2004

Iraq War News
Iraq Cleric Urges Fighters to Drop Arms: "Thousands of pilgrims streamed into the Imam Ali Shrine on Friday and filed out mixed with militants who had been holed up inside, leaving the holy site nearly empty after Iraq's top Shiite cleric brokered a peace deal to end three weeks of fighting in this holy city."

In Kansas City Star: Iraq

Najaf Alone Breathes Peacefully: "The peace deal negotiated by Iraq's top Shiite leader appears to be holding in Najaf but the peace isn't shared elsewhere. In Baghdad, fighting with U.S. forces; in Mosul, a bomb; and on TV, a unconfirmed claim that a journalist has been killed."

In CBS News: Iraq Crisis

Thousands March to Holy Shrine in Najaf: "Guns were largely silent in Najaf for the first time in weeks and thousands of Iraqis thronged the revered Imam Ali shrine Friday after Iraq's top Shiite cleric made a dramatic return to this holy city and won agreement from a rebel cleric and the government to end the fighting between his militia and U.S.-Iraqi forces. (AP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Bush Admits Iraq 'Miscalculations' - NY Times: "President Bush acknowledged for thefirst time on Thursday that he had miscalculated post-warconditions in Iraq, the New York Times reported. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

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