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Sunday, November 09, 2003

Talk of a draft grows despite denials by White House (08 Nov 03) in Radio Free USA

View from Canada: We used to feel protected by the law (9 Nov 03) in Radio Free USA

In Iraq, it's security Rambo-style (9 Nov 03) in Radio Free USA

Americans sow seeds of hatred (9 Nov 03) in Radio Free USA

What World War I's greatest poet would say about hiding our war dead (9 Nov 03) in Radio Free USA

US soldier killed in Baghdad, British attacked in Basra: "A US soldier was killed in a bomb blast in Baghdad and British troops came under attack in the southern port of Basra as a deadly surge in violence showed no sign of letting up. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

U.S. general was aboard downed helicopter: "An American major general was aboard a military helicopter that flew with the Black Hawk that crashed here last week, a U.S. officer said Sunday. The Black Hawk was apparently shot down by insurgents here in Saddam Hussein's hometown."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

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