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Saturday, November 08, 2003

Iraq war updats
Armitage: U.S. walks 'fine line' in Iraq in CNN - War in Iraq

Bomb blast kills two US soldiers in Iraq as insurgents flex muscle: "Two US soldiers died when a bomb ripped their military vehicle, apparently a heavily armored Bradley personnel carrier, as insurgents escalated their attacks on the Americans. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

US Troops Grab Iraq Hotel Attack Suspects in Raids: "U.S. troops in overnight raids captured12 people in Iraq suspected of involvement in a deadly attackon a Baghdad hotel where U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary PaulWolfowitz was staying, a top commander said on Saturday. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Syria says Bush sincere at Mideast effort: "Syria does not doubt that President Bush is sincere in his urging a more stable Middle East but believes his policies are spoiling American relations with Arabs and Muslims worldwide, a Syrian Cabinet minister said Saturday."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

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