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Friday, September 12, 2003

Iraq war news
Palestinians rally round Arafat after exile threat (11 Sept 03) in Radio Free USA

At least 9 dead in apparent friendly fire in Iraq in CNN - War in Iraq

India 'won't send troops' to Iraq in CNN - War in Iraq

Exploiting the atrocity (12 Sept 03) in Radio Free USA

Foreigners may not have liked the war, but they financed it (12 Sept 03) in Radio Free USA

'Iraq policemen killed' in friendly fire tragedy (12 Sept 03) in Radio Free USA

Blair's war: PM ignored intelligence advice on Iraq (12 Sept 03) in Radio Free USA

Jerusalem Post Editorial: Kill Arafat (11 Sept 03) in Radio Free USA

Bloody Day In Iraqi Town: "In one of the bloodiest nights of fighting since the end of major combat on May 1, two Americans were killed, seven were wounded and U.S. troops may have mistakenly shot a dozen Iraqi cops in Fallujah."

In CBS News: Iraq Crisis

Israeli police quell shrine disturbance: "Israeli police entered a disputed Jerusalem shrine Friday, firing tear gas and stun grenades to disperse Muslim worshippers who threw stones after noon prayers, police and witnesses said."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

17 Palestinians wounded in Lebanon march: "Attackers hurled a hand grenade and fired rifles at pro-Yasser Arafat demonstrators in this Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, injuring 17 people, a Palestinian official said Friday."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

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