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Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Iraq war updates
Rice urges patience with Iraq, Middle East: "US President George W. Bush's national security adviser preached patience with the war in Iraq and with the bloodied Middle East peace process to an increasingly worried US public. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

US prepared to send more troops to Iraq if commanders ask for them: Rumsfeld: "The United States will send more troops to Iraq "in a minute" if the top US commander in the region asks for them, but so far General John Abizaid has not, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Rumsfeld Says No More Troops Needed Now in Iraq: "Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeldsaid Monday troop levels in Iraq were adequate despite callsin Washington for extra forces to secure the country more thanfive months after the U.S. invasion. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Third Group Makes Iraq U.N. Blast Claim: "A third group has claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing of U.N. headquarters in Baghdad, posting the claim on a Web site known as a clearinghouse for Islamic political thought. (AP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Tipping Point: "Today marks the date when the number of soldiers killed since May 1 equals the number killed prior to that date."

In Back to Iraq 2.0

Iraqi constitution committee aims to wrap up its work within 45 days: "The head of a technical committee charged with working out procedures for drafting a new Iraqi constitution said his team would complete its work within one and a half months. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

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