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Tuesday, July 01, 2003

US rejects Iraq 'quagmire', oil exports resume, blasts persist in Fallujah: "Iraq's return to normality was boosted as oil exports resumed, but three explosions in the flashpoint city of Fallujah and the arrest of a US-appointed governor in southern Najaf on kidnap and theft charges clouded the US-led drive to rebuild Iraq. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

U.N. nuke watchdog chief to visit Iran: "The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency will visit Iran to hold new talks on the country's nuclear program, officials announced Monday."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Iraqis Begin Warming To US Presence: "From tomorrow's Christian Science Monitor (we're on the editorial preview list):
"There is a debate," the mayor says. "When you go to the street, people say: 'We are against the Americans.' But sheikhs, imams, and educated people say: 'Don't hurt the Americans, because that hurts us, too.'"
Mayor Hamid even presided over a meeting last Friday during which religious leaders in Fallujah "agreed that it was no longer allowed to shoot Americans in the city, and instead to work with the Americans. All of them agreed."
That shifting attitude reflects the results of a first-ever poll of Iraqis, reported by CBS earlier this month, that nearly two-thirds of Baghdad residents want US forces to stay until Iraq is stable and secure, and that only 17 percent want US troops to go home immediately. Iraqis say that result is accurate, but by default: While they are grateful the US has removed Saddam Hussein, and note that US troops are now critical to reestablishing yearned-for security, they still don't approve of their stay here.
"They are occupiers," says Fallujah truck driver Nouri Khalil, clicking his small wooden prayer beads while waiting for business on a sweltering street corner. "But if they leave, there will be no security. We want the Americans to form an Iraqi government, so they can go."

In Command Post: Irak

'Looters' killed in Iraq blast in BBC: War in Iraq

Amnesty criticizes U.S. interrogations: "An Iraqi businessman detained during a raid on his home says U.S. interrogators deprived him of sleep, forced him to kneel naked and kept him bound hand and foot with a bag over his head for eight days."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Israel offers Bethlehem to Palestinians: "Israel agreed to return the West Bank town of Bethlehem to Palestinian control after its pullback Monday from the Gaza Strip, crucial steps that advance a U.S.-backed "road map" to Palestinian statehood and raise hopes that 33 months of violence may be nearing an end."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Palestinians in Gaza town seek new start: "Packing a holstered pistol and a no-nonsense look, a commander from Yasser Arafat's presidential guard kept watch Monday for Islamic militants who in the past have fired crude rockets into Israel from this farming village."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

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