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Monday, May 12, 2003

War Blog War Updates
In Iraq, Slow Going for Oil Crews in IraqWar.ru (English)

Saddam's Hometown Torn Between Loyalty: "Haji Shafiq and Sami Hemeid are treading a fine line. They belonged to Saddam Hussein's Baath Party - but, they insist, that was just a formality. They earned their living working for Saddam - but they acknowledge the failures of his rule. Then again, they argue, everyone makes mistakes. (AP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

U.S. Overhauls Administration to Govern Iraq: "Bush administration officials confirmed that Jay Garner, the top civil administrator, and other senior officials in Iraq will be replaced."
In New York Times: World Special

Iraqis More Bemused Than Enthused by Cleric: "Muhammad Bakr al-Hakim, the ayatollah who could become an Iraqi kingmaker, was greeted by Iraqis with more curiosity than exhilaration on Sunday."
In New York Times: World Special

Radioactive Material Found at a Test Site Near Baghdad: "An American team searching for unconventional weapons has uncovered what is thought to be the strongest source of radiation found so far in Iraq."
In New York Times: World Special

Mass Grave Is Unearthed Near Basra: "The grave was no more than a long trench, with dirt shoveled over the men executed for their role in Shiite Muslim uprisings in 1999."
In New York Times: World Special

Ahead of Harvest, Farm Fears Grow: "With no government in Baghdad, the wheat and barley harvest in northern Iraq could face serious difficulties."
In New York Times: World Special

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