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Friday, May 16, 2003

war blog updates
U.S. Moves to Ban Key Baathists in Iraq: "The United States moved Friday to purge its Iraqi reconstruction effort of any Baath Party influence and to recover most of the millions of dollars taken by Saddam Hussein's family and regime."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Captain Steve's last Iraq flight: "Finis Flight
Splitting headache. Tired like never before. Still I'm not willing to acknowledge that I'm sick. I go to the chow hall and while I know I should be hungry, absolutely nothing there looks edible. I down a couple grapes and drink some iced tea. I head for the room and it's about 110 degrees out. I'm walking in the direct midday sun and I have chill bumps. I'm shivering. OK, now I'll admit it. I'm not quite feeling my best.
In Command Post: Irak

Mass Graves in Iraq: A Marine's account: "Pontifex ex Machina visited the site of the latest mass grave discovery:
The place smelled of death, of rot. The ground you walked on -- you could feel, in the pit of your stomach, that you were walking on somebody's grave. The faces, the wails...
Maybe it's superstition, or maybe old bones still can hold power over the earth, but I tell you, if evil has a texture, a feel to it, you could feel it there. And you could see everybody else around you feeling it, too.
In Command Post: Irak

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