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Wednesday, May 14, 2003

War Blog Iraq War Updates
Rumsfeld: U.S. Used New Missile in Iraq: "The United States used a new kind of missile for the first time in Iraq that can destroy the contents of the first floor of a building while leaving the rest of the structure intact, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told Congress on Wednesday. (AP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

US hopes for food aid to Iraq; mass graves yield Saddam's victims: "Iraq's new US boss said he hoped UN food aid would start flowing next week, as fraught Iraqis scoured a mass grave south of Baghdad for the remains of relatives missing under Saddam Hussein's regime. (AFP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Bush Officials Change Tune on Iraqi Weapons: "The Bush administration has changedits tune on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, the reason itwent to war there. Instead of looking for vast stocks of bannedmaterials, it is now pinning its hopes on finding documentaryevidence. (Reuters)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

U.S. unresponsive on mass graves: "The U.S. government has known since May 3 about the existence of a mass grave in Hilla but has not taken action to protect the site, Human Rights Watch charged today."
In Electronic Iraq

2 U.S. Servicemen Die in Iraq Accidents: "A U.S. Marine was killed when a munitions bunker caught fire and exploded, and a soldier with the Army's 101st Airborne Division died in a road accident in northern Iraq, military officials and witnesses said Wednesday."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

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