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Thursday, May 22, 2003

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Tehran Demands Proof al-Qaida in Iran: "Iran demanded on Thursday that Washington prove its claims that Tehran harbors al-Qaida terrorists and accused Osama bin Laden's network of "threatening" Iranian national interests."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Unpatriotic Halliburton: "Who is more unpatriotic - the Dixie Chicks for speaking out against the war or Halliburton for doing business with most of the countries on the so-called axis of evil. In an excellent column, Bob Herbert points out that this is the company that opened an office in Teheran in 2000, asserting, "We are committed to position ourselves in a market that offers huge growth potential." Continue »"
In Alternet: War On Iraq

CIA Eyeing Its Iraq Spying: "Before the war, the U.S. made a list of allegations against Iraq concerning illegal weapons and terrorism. Now the CIA is looking at whether the prewar intelligence matches up with what troops are finding on the ground."
In CBS News: Iraq Crisis

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