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Monday, April 14, 2003

war is winding down?
What war is: "Prose from war reporter Chris Hedges: "For war, when we confront it truthfully, exposes the darkness within all of us. This darkness shatters the illusions many of us hold not only about the human race but about ourselves. Few of us confront our own capacity for evil, but this is especially true in wartime. And even those who engage in combat are afterward given cups from the River Lethe to forget. And with each swallow they imbibe the myth of war. For the myth makes war palatable. It gives war a logic and sanctity it does not possess. It saves us from peering into the darkest recesses of our own hearts. And this is why we like it. It is why we clamor for myth. The myth is enjoyable, and the press, as is true in every nation that goes to war, is only too happy to oblige. They dish it up and we ask for more.""
In Alternet: War On Iraq

Likudniks are from Mars: ""Israel to U.S.: Now deal with Syria and Iran" is the headline in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz today: "Two of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's senior aides will go to Washington for separate talks this week. . . . Israel will suggest that the United States also take care of Iran and Syria because of their support for terror and pursuit of weapons of mass destruction." And, as Eric Alterman reminds us in the Nation, they should find some receptive folks in and around the White House."
In Alternet: War On Iraq

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