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Monday, April 14, 2003

Nigeria's Ruling Party Takes Early Lead: "Nigeria's ruling party was leading Monday in legislative elections seen as a key test of its young democracy, but violence accompanying voting in the oil-rich south left at least two dozen people dead."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

SASR nabs suspected Iraqi officials: "NineMSN :
A busload of men intercepted by Australian Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) troops in the west of Iraq included suspected senior Baath Party officials, the commander of Australian forces said. Brigadier Maurie McNarn said the bus was stopped by SASR troops en route out of Iraq on Friday.
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In Command Post

Widow of Gulf serviceman will not have to repay his salary: "The widow of a Royal Navy commando killed in the Gulf will not be made to pay back part of his salary and give up her home, says Tony Blair."
In Ananova: War In Iraq

Iraq attack to coincide with Purim: "A Saudi famous for touting the blood libel, speaks about Iraq.
Author of Saudi Blood Libel and Professor at King Faysal University Lectures at Arab League Think Tank: 'U.S. War on Iraq Timed To Coincide With Jewish Holiday Purim'.
In Command Post

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