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Monday, April 14, 2003

"Banker who hid Saddam's millions": "From this :
A FINANCIAL adviser to Saddam Hussein has revealed how the Iraqi dictator channelled hundreds of millions of pounds into secretive offshore companies.
For more than 10 years Elio Borradori, a company trustee in the tax havens of Liechtenstein and Lugano, Switzerland, managed the huge "commissions" and "consultancy fees" from the Iraqi dictator's arms deals and development contracts... Many of the millions moved in and out of an account codenamed "Satan", which was originally overseen by a relative of Saddam...
...Borradori remains defensive: "Is it worse to work as a trustee of Saddam Hussein than to work for a mafia godfather or a drug trader, or for Albanian serial killers, for people trading radioactive waste? If the answer is yes, everyone in Switzerland should destroy their passports."
In Command Post

A secret deal for Baghdad?: "The sudden and unexpectedly easy fall of Baghdad has the Arab press buzzing with rumors about a deal struck between the Baath regime and the Pentagon, brokered by none other than the Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah."
In Alternet: War On Iraq

CNN becomes a war combatant: "The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph slams CNN correspondent Brent Sadler and his "security advisers" who responded by returning fire when they came under attack at a checkpoint in Tikrit: "ournalists, like stretcher-bearers and Army padres, do not engage with the enemy. This is an established and important rule of warfare ... By acting as it has, CNN has made life harder for soldiers and war correspondents.""
In Alternet: War On Iraq

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