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Wednesday, April 16, 2003

4th Infantry Finally Sees Combat Action: "After missing the major battles in Iraq, the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry Division went into action at an airfield north of Baghdad on Wednesday, fighting Iraqi paramilitaries and gunmen in civilian clothes in the first combat the division has seen since the Vietnam War. (AP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Pentagon Puts Cost of War So Far At $20B: "The Pentagon has spent about $20 billion so far in the war against Iraq, a senior official said Wednesday. (AP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

U.N. Designates in Goods for Iraq: "The United Nations said Tuesday it has identified million in priority humanitarian goods that can be shipped to Iraq by the May 12 deadline adopted last month by the Security Council. (AP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Several Dead In Mosul Shootings: "Three people were killed in the tense northern city of Mosul. It was unclear whether U.S. troops were involved. American soldiers killed at least seven in an incident there the day before."
In CBS News: Iraq Crisis

Syrian president faces tough test: "With pressure from the US and UK, Bashar al-Assad will have to tread carefully."
In BBC News | War in Iraq

Hundreds pay tribute to Marine in BBC News | War in Iraq

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