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Monday, April 14, 2003

Some Nations Note Saddam's Quick Fall
19 minutes ago

By SONYA ROSS, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The rapid collapse of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s government may have served as a reality check for the remaining states in President Bush (news - web sites)'s "axis of evil," Iran and North Korea (news - web sites).

AP Photo

North Korea now says multilateral talks about its nuclear program — which the United States wants — are not a bad idea after all. Iran's former president, long allied with Islamic hardliners against the "Great Satan" America, is advocating a referendum on renewing ties with the United States.

Other countries, too, are feeling the heat.

Syria found itself Monday on the receiving end of stern warnings against allowing Iraqi leaders to slip across its borders. Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) said Bashar Assad's government Yahoo

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