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Thursday, April 17, 2003

A Soldiers Blog Updates
Democrat presidential hopes become war casualty: "Democrat hopes of challenging President George W. Bush for the White House have became a casualty of the quick US victory in the Iraq war. (AFP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

UN Boosts Iraq Aid Convoys, Opens New Supply Route: "The United Nations boosted the tempo ofits aid deliveries to Iraq on Thursday, bringing 100 trucks offood into the stricken country from Turkey and opening up a newsupply route via Jordan. (Reuters)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

ICRC: Dire situation in hospitals: "ICRC staff visited the Al-Rashad psychiatric hospital in the east of Baghdad, where the situation was found to be very bad. The hospital lacks sufficient drinking water; it has no water for washing or cleaning, meaning it is extremely dirty; and only very limited food is available for patients."
In Electronic Iraq

Hearts and Minds: Aid and reconstruction in Iraq: "This CASI briefing examines some of the political, financial and operational problems surrounding the provision of aid, and the project of reconstruction in Iraq. In particular, it focuses upon the difficulty in striking a balance between the US and the UK fulfilling their responsibilities to provide aid and assist in rebuilding, and their control of the process to the detriment of its effectiveness."
In Electronic Iraq

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