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Monday, April 14, 2003

Scarey News
80 Iraqi Suicide Vests May Be Missing: "Up to 80 explosive vests - the kind used for suicide attacks - could be in the hands of foreign fighters battling U.S. and British troops in Iraq, a U.S. general said Monday."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

U.S. Finds Cache of Data in Baghdad: "U.S. troops discovered thousands of microfilm cartridges and hundreds of paper files in two residential buildings in a Baath Party enclave Monday in central Baghdad in what could be a major intelligence discovery."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Arafat Holds Up New Palestinian Cabinet: "Incoming Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas set out his list of Cabinet ministers, expecting quick approval to trigger the presentation of a U.S.-backed peace plan, but opposition to some of his choices emerged Monday."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

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