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Monday, April 14, 2003

Local - KCRA TheKCRAChannel.com

Infant, Adult Bodies Found; Laci Peterson Investigators Called In
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A badly decomposed body was discovered Monday on a beach in northern California, one day after an infant boy's body was found along a trail not far away.

Authorities said that a body was found at Point Isabel near the Richmond Marina.

Authorities investigating the disappearance of 28-year-old Laci Peterson were called to the scene, but officials said they had no evidence to believe the body is connected to the missing woman.

Authorities could not immediately determine the body's gender or race.

"All it is at this point is they had a body wash up," said Modesto Sgt. Ron Cloward, who has headed the search for Peterson. "We have no indication at this point that it has anything to do with Laci."

Peterson disappeared from her Modesto home Dec. 24. She was eight months pregnant, due to give birth to a baby boy in February. Her husband, Scott Peterson, has been questioned about her disappearance but never named a suspect.

Scott Peterson has told police he saw his wife the morning she disappeared, as she left their house to walk the dog. He said he went fishing that day at the Berkeley Marina, several miles south of where the body washed ashore. Investigators searched the area around the Berkeley Marina in the weeks following Laci's disappearance.

On Sunday, two people walking their dog found the infant's body along a trail near the Richmond marina. Authorities said the baby, with its umbilical cord attached, had been dead for some time and was lying in grass near the water.

Stay with KCRA 3 and thekcrachannel.com for the latest details

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