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Sunday, April 13, 2003

Gotta love the British...

Home-grown cannabis 'is lesser crime'
(Filed: 14/04/2003)

People who grow their own cannabis should escape with a police warning if they only cultivate the drug on a small scale, a think-tank has said.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation report said 243 people were jailed in 2000 for growing cannabis, but there were wide variations in the way police forces treated the crime.

Some charged growers with production - carrying a mandatory seven-year sentence for a third conviction - while others used the lesser offence of cultivation.

The report said up to half of all cannabis consumed in Britain might now be home-grown and punishments for cultivation needed to be altered when the drug was reclassified as Class C this summer.

Prof Mike Hough, co-author, said: "If small-scale home cultivation attracted an on-the-spot warning rather than a caution or a court conviction, it is likely that more users would switch to growing their own and stop buying from dealers."

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