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Monday, April 14, 2003

April 13, 2003
Somewhere Where There's No Shooting

They didn't know that Baghdad had fallen, that Lynch had been rescued, that their pictures were appearing almost every day in the media and that a secret task force of elite commandos from Delta force, the CIA, Navy SEALS and Army Special Forces had been trying to find them for weeks.

Now most said they want to get home to friends and family.

Hudson, a 23-year-old from Alamagordo, N.M., punched his fist and whooped as the plane touched down in Kuwait.

Miller said he wants to see his wife, Jessa, 4-year-old son, Tyler, and nine-month-old daughter, Mackenzie. "I'm just happy to be alive."

Hernandez says he's "going to hug my parents and my brother and tell them I love them."

Johnson is hoping to be home by May 20, the third birthday of her daughter Janelle.

Young, 26, an Atlanta native, wants to see his nine-month-old son, Jonathan, and his parents: "The last thing they told me before I left was, `Now, don't go being a hero.'"

Williams wants to see his five-year-old daughter, Madison.

And Riley said he wants to go "somewhere where there's no shooting."
- The Miami Herald

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