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Monday, April 14, 2003

sealing U.S., British victory in the Iraq war
Rumsfeld says Syria carried out chemical weapons tests in last 12-15 months, let Iraqis enter its territory; Powell says U.S. will examine possible diplomatic, economic or other measures against Syria; White House calls Syria "a rogue nation"
Syria denies it has chemical weapons, says it never cooperated with Saddam's administration
Iraq's main Shi'ite opposition group says will boycott U.S.-sponsored meeting Tuesday to map country's political future
Rumsfeld: "I would say that we have seen chemical weapons tests in Syria over the past 12, 15 months."
Powell: "With respect to Syria, of course we will examine possible measures of a diplomatic, economic or other nature as we move forward."
Syrian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman: "Syria has no chemical weapons and that the only chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in the region are in Israel, which is threatening its neighbours and occupying their land."
Monday -
Straw on tour of Gulf states Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
British Foreign Office Minister O'Brien in Iran, Syria
Tuesday -
U.S. convenes meeting of Iraqis in Nassiriya to discuss a postwar administration in Iraq
Schroeder, Blair meet in Hanover
Wednesday/Thursday -
Annan attends EU leaders' meeting in Athens, to meet Blair, Chirac, Schroeder
U.S. - 119 killed, 4 missing
Britain - 30 killed

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